Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alright, let's do this thing together...

Those are the words of encouragement provided by a talking punching bag in my daughter's Wii Fit video game. I hear them echoing frequently through my head as I pray through this idea of an online small group. Who knew God's voice could sometimes sound like that?

I am not sure how we're going to do "Guided By Him" (GBH) here, but I am very open to ideas and suggestions - even your criticisms! My goal is to prayerfully support you as we walk through this life lesson together. God has called us here for a purpose - let's make the most of it!

I'll start with a brief introduction (and I'll ask you to do the same!). My name is Myra. I'm a 40-coughcough-something mother of two and I own two The UPS Stores with my husband Jeff. My children are Jake, 18, a freshman at the University of Alabama (and on the Dean's List for his first semester, thankyouverymuch) and Claire, 16, a junior at Wellspring Academy in Brevard, NC. She's my inspiration for becoming who God wants me to be and really where my story starts now.

Some of you may have seen the show "Too Fat for Fifteen: Fighting Back" on Style Network - it is about this current generation of children who will not live to be as old as us, the parents, because of childhood obesity. Wellspring began in California as a boarding school for these children, then spread across the country to North Carolina. Here, the students have not only their curriculum (they are accredited) but they learn how to live more active lives. They have three activity periods each day, are required to wear pedometers (goal = 10,000 per day) and have culinary classes to help them learn to eat in the big bad world outside the campus. But to me, the most important part of the program is the counseling. Students meet once a week with a therapist and twice a week with a peer accountability group.

We took Claire to Wellspring in October. She weighed in at 212 lbs (she's 4'10"), carrying emotional baggage that the scales couldn't measure. She is severely learning disable - ADHD - but also extremely bright - formerly in the gifted programs. She also has bipolar tendencies and social issues.

To say she isn't the same child I dropped off on that cool fall morning is an understatement: Her transformation is nothing short of miraculous. Within three weeks, she was baptized at at a small community church. She has become team captain for this semester and is an A/B Honor Roll student. She is working on getting her Varsity letter in Field Hockey (previous activities, at home, consisted of walking to the kitchen, then back to her room, to spend hours on the Internet). The 40+ pounds she has shed are minor when taken into the whole of her metamorphosis.

So, now we come to why I'm here. When Claire comes home in May, I want to have a support group in place - you - who can help keep her whole. Her counselor suggested we call on Claire's faith to use as a basis for her after-care, and I'd love to use this group as a springboard to launch a similar group for teens who have struggled like Claire has. I plan to use our trial and error, our successes and failures, to develop a group for girls who need a place to vent, rant, elate, exalt, and be loved unconditionally, as we are called by Christ to do.

My prayer, as a leader, is Ephesians 4:29 - 32 (NIV)

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

So join in by posting your comments below (click the "comments" link - I hope it takes you to a block). Be patient with me as I work through the kinks - I'm new to all this stuff, too!


Julie Morris said...

I love what you said! Hope others join you soon so you can support each other as you work the Guided By Him program!


Julie Morris

CATHY WRAY said...

Here we go off into the wild blue had me hooked at Johnny Depp. I am there for you and will pray for your goal to help form this new support group and continued support with GBH as he guides us all. This is an answer to prayer for me and I am very excited.

CATHY WRAY said...

Great thought during the quiet time today. I was reflecting on how I was feeling and realized I felt frustrated in myself. I almost believed I was frustrated in God. What I did was give my frustration in myself to God in the Suppy part of the quiet time. I was headed toward holding on to that negative emotion without giving it to God. Honestly, I still feel the echo effect of the frustration (because I have felt this way often and for years) but I have a glimpse of love in hope because I gave it to God.

CATHY WRAY said...

I named my quiet time as 3.1 for third quiet time, first week. Todays blog reminds me to focus and why not on the fruit of the spirit. It was so helpful to visualize myself as the branch. I will turn my perfectionism and desire to hurry over to the Lord today.

Myra Fabian said...

Cathy, it sounds like you're off to an amazing start! I pray you keep your enthusiasm and that God continues to give you sustenance of the spiritual kind. [I love that you posted a picture of yourself, BTW.]

CATHY WRAY said...

I lost five pounds since my last office visit in one month which I know is a miracle. I know all good things that happen in relationship to my weight because of God and not me. My favorite quiet time reflection and the one most often used is to lay my real feelings and fears at God's feet. I see myself making better choices and feel God's presence more often. All the quiet times have done this.

Myra Fabian said...

Awesome news, Cathy! Congrats! Isn't it a huge relief to know you're not doing this on your own, that, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8) Keep praying!

Julie Morris said...

How awesome that you lost 5 pounds!
Way to go!!!

CATHY WRAY said...

Only God's Grace made that possible. I am on Week 2 now doing the first QT. I am going to put an ad in the local free paper for anyone interested.

CATHY WRAY said...

Wk 2 QT - pouting puts on pounds. I loved the OT about the friend that gave a gift to an ungrateful child it was such an amazing visual. I truly am blessed to be overweight. For many years, this beautiful weight insulated me from pain I could not manage and from disasterous choices I know I would have made. And, I could not manage it because God knew I needed a closer relationship with him. Praise God.

CATHY WRAY said...

Julie, am I supposed to look in another site?

CATHY WRAY said...

ok, I need to let you know that I have gained back 3 of the 5 pounds I lost. I was ready to give up - again but I picked up GBH and began the week 4. My eyes were opened to the extent of my disease and how it distances me from God. I feel so sad and repentant. I am still praying for others to email and share the process but for the time being, Praise God, I am here one more day.

Myra Fabian said...

Cathy, I have come to realize, as I battle this myself and watch my daughter struggle at Wellspring, this *is* a disease - of body and soul. But do not be discouraged - you are looking to Him who heals us for your cure. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And I praise God you're here today as well. Blessings to you, precious one.

Now, come over to the new spot - you don't need to respond to an invitation or anything anymore. It's at
and it's much easier to use. See you there! ~myra