Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 1 Review

Julie has given me permission to post her chapter summaries to help us stimulate some discussion. I look forward to seeing how your week went!


Chapter One

*1st Quiet Time (QT) Page 10 Jesus says that we need to seek him first--that's the most important thing we can do. Have you asked Jesus to be your savior?

*1st QT Stepping Stones (SS) ACTS prayers (page 11). Have you tried this? How does it help you to pray?

* 2nd QT God made us all different. He created us just as we are. For some, it's harder to lose weight, but that's okay because God doesn't make mistakes. Did you think that God made a mistake when he made you? How is that changing now?

2nd QT SS Low-fat foods you need to keep in your kitchen. What is your favorite low-fat food to keep on hand?

*3rd QT The 12 Steps are small steps from the Bible that make it easier for us to be guided by him. They really help! How have the 12 Steps helped you so far?

3rd QT SS Difference between starchy and non-starchy vegetables. What is your favorite non-starchy food? How do you prepare it?

*4th QT Live your life one day at a time--Don't worry about what you'll do tomorrow or regret what you did yesterday. What happens when to you when you don't live life one day at a time?

4th QT SS Exercising just 30 minutes a day makes us stronger and healthier and gives us more energy. How do you have fun exercising?

*5th QT Jesus tells us that we will be blessed (satisfied) if we hunger now. In other words, the ones who are constantly eating will be dissatisfied. When we are hungry and it's not time to eat, it's probably because we are worried about something. Did you have a time this week when you stopped to ask yourself, "Am I hungry? or am I stressed?"

5th QT SS When we overeat, our bodies make feel-good brain chemicals that make us feel better--the same chemicals that an alcoholic gets when he drinks. When we turn to food to make us feel good and fix our problems, our problems grow and so do we! What has happened to you when you cast your cares on the refrigerator?

Summary: Which of these things have helped you most?

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