Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fruit - it's what's for dinner

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

If you've gotten Julie's book, you now know the flow of the lessons. If you don't have the book, let me explain. Every week, there is a Bible verse and a brief lesson tying it into the Twelve Steps adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. Then, Julie presents a few "stepping stones" - suggestions for you to take or leave, whatever works for you.

This week, I want to look at something that isn't a take-it-or-leave-it stone. I want to talk about the Fruit of the Spirit, from Galatians 5:22-23, and how good this Fruit is for us.

Notice, first, that this Fruit is singular. It is not plural, as in "fruits of the Spirit." All of these characteristics are taken as one whole; they are parts of one Spirit.

Think about this: if we were to feel even one of these characteristics, in Spirit, wouldn't it be enough to sustain us emotionally? Now, imagine feeling the full Spirit! Makes my heart speed up in joy at just the thought! Makes me want to run laps around my living room! Makes me want to dance!

Wait a minute - would that be activity? in addition to feeling satisfied? Can it be?

To check the "flip side" of this train of thought, how often have beaten yourself up over bearing "bad fruit"? Hatred, anger, depression, anxiety, selfishness, just-plain-rudeness. And what about that last one - the lack of self control (well, Myra, if I had just *this* one, I wouldn't be here... yeah, I know). Any one of these will leave you feeling like you found half a worm in the apple you just bit into - bad fruit, indeed. But start stacking them up. Hatred leads to anger, which makes you ashamed (you're a Christian, after all). Shame then leads to depression and anxiety. You see how it goes. And if you can't break it somehow, you find yourself in an unending cycle which includes chocolate chip cookies by the box and Ben & Jerry's Phish Food by the pint (it would be more, but they don't sell it in bigger cartons).

Want to know a secret to stop running in these circles? Drop to your knees. For every characteristic you feel lacking, Christ has it abundantly. Enough for all of us. Take the time to fall on your face (there's self-control - you broke the cycle), feel the peace come over you as you speak to God from your heart, revel in His love washing over you, wiping away the anger, the hatred, the black spots, bruises and fungi that have grown on your own fruit. You can't help but rise up in joy!

Think back on this past week's Quiet Times in "Guided by Him" (GBH). Was there one that spoke to you? I'd love to hear your thoughts - did it comfort you or confront you?


Myra Fabian said...

Comments are showing up - but I'm still not sure this is the best "venue" for what we're trying to do here. I'm going to research a better way.

CATHY WRAY said...

I agree. Let me know if something new develops.